Bloodborne Pathogens Training Course in Alaska

The goal of this training program is to provide knowledge to employees with an identified risk on how to avoid exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materi-als, and what steps will be taken if an exposure occurs.
Founded in basic principles of instructional design and learning theory, HSI promotes a "toolbox" approach to learning. This approach gives Instructors flexibility in both presentation strategies and materials to reach students with widely varying abilities in the countless instructional settings that exist in the real world.


The HSI Bloodborne Pathogens training program is intended for individuals who are trained as a CPR AED and/or first aid provider, or have an identified job classification in which there are tasks or procedures that increase the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

There are no class prerequisites.


  • Certification Period - 12 Months
  • Course Length - 1 Hour
  • Student/Instructor Ratio - No Restriction


There is only one class format for HSI Bloodborne Patho-gens.

Initial Training
Initial training is a traditional classroom or blended learning class for individuals who have been certified or whose expiration has expired. Whether the student is new or has taken Bloodborne Pathogens in the past, each class is taught as if it is an initial class training.

Renewal Training
Renewal training is accomplished by repeating an initial training class.

There is no challenge option available for this course.


There are two main methods to teaching and certifying students in HSI Bloodborne Pathogens: instructor-led traditional classroom training and blended learning.

Traditional Classroom Training
This is an Instructor-led, in-person, classroom-based approach where the core knowledge content is provided using scenario based video segments in a Class Presentation followed by the opportunity for interactive questions and answers with the Instructor.

Blended Learning
This is a mixed-mode approach using both online and in-person learning; core knowledge content is provided in video segments and interactive student exercises on-line, followed by a required real-time interactive ques-tion-and-answer session with an Instructor.

Remote Skills Verification
Remote skills verification (RSV) is the use of simultaneous interactive video-conferencing technology to prac-tice, evaluate, and verify skill competence in real time when the Instructor and students) are in separate locations.

Because Bloodborne Pathogens training does not include hands-on skill practices, RSV is not available. However, the real-time interactive question-and-answer session with an Instructor can take place via a similar video-conferencing tool.

Course Cost: $30


Office: 907-887-4044
Anchorage, Alaska U.S.A

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